are walk-ins allowed?

Walk-ins are more than welcome! However, please note that reservations are prioritized so if the cage you’re in has an upcoming reservation, you may have limited playing time.

What should I bring?

A valid ID is required to borrow bats or helmets.

What should I leave home?

No steel spikes, alcohol, or tobacco are allowed on the premises.

Do you provide helmets and bats at your location?

Yes, we provide helmets of all sizes and a variety of baseball and softball bats. We also offer refreshments. See Pro Shop.

Can I bring my own bat to your facility?

Yes, you can bring your own bat.

Do I have to wear a helmet?

You do not have to wear a helmet, but we strongly recommend that you do for your safety.

If I purchase tokens, do I have to rent a cage as well?

No, token purchases are completely separate from cage rentals.

How are you handling covid-safety?

copy tbd

When should I arrive for my reservation?

Please check in at the counter window at least 5 minutes before your reserved time.